…When Your Soul Needs a Cookie!
We're @ the Bay Area Farmers Market -- Every Sunday from 11am - 3pm
We're @ the Bay Area Farmers Market -- Every Sunday from 11am - 3pm 〰️

TWISTED cookies?
yes! they’re as twisted as we are!
That’s a HUUUUGE
TEXAS sized cookie with an ooey,
gooey inside.
So freaking good!

what do our customers say about Emotional Support Cookies?
Monee…”BEST COOKIES! PERIOD!” and about the pizookie; ”Only thing better than a big ass cookie is a really badass tasting, big ass cookie.”
Teri...”I swear I can’t keep anything. Husband ate almost the whole box. Dannng! You did awesome. These are fantastic. These I can devour. I’m digging the sea salt on top.”
Tjonn...”Your cookies rock like a mofo!” R.I.P. Tjonn!!!
Charlene...” Brandy makes all my cookies. I highly recommend her sweets.”
Ruth Ann… “Your cookies are fantastic.”
Elaine...”Your cookies are so delicious. I don’t eat sugar and carbs but I break my diet for your cookies.”
Ally...”OMG my fave”
Nico...”These snacks are top shelf! Them cookies are my drug and I’m an errday user, fool.”
Tiffani...”Dang you and these cookies! I love them!!”
We're @ the Bay Area Farmers Market -- Every Sunday from 11am - 3pm
We're @ the Bay Area Farmers Market -- Every Sunday from 11am - 3pm 〰️
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